All our bunnies are pedigreed. They are in good health to the best of our knowledge.  If your bunny develops a health issue in the first month in its new home, we will consider exchanging it for a new bunny or refunding your money, minus the deposit.  Please call us with any issue as soon as you notice anything suspicious and we will recommend a possible treatment or taking it to a qualified vet.  We are not responsible for any vet bills. 

We must receive a deposit to hold your bunny for 8 weeks.  At 8 weeks old, your bunny will be available for pickup at which time the balance is due.  If you cannot pick up your bunny at 8 weeks, please let us know so we can make other arrangements.  However, your balance will be due when the bunny is 8 weeks, even if you pick it up later. 

Please note if you change your mind after you choose a rabbit and put a deposit down on a particular bunny, we cannot switch your deposit to another bunny since we held that bunny specifically for you so no one else could buy it.

All sales are final. 

We do not ship our bunnies.

Linda Patterson